Job is here!

Advanced Skill Development and Employment Certification Program (ASDECP) is aimed at upskilling young people and finding them jobs. It is as simple as that !

Lets train your work life

We have spent a lot of time, effort, money, tireless days, report cards, and whatnot… on our education. We did this all with the hope that we will be employed with the job of our dreams one day. But, it’s not that easy, is it? The competition is getting tougher each day and opportunities are becoming meager.

Study Quotient.Edu is committed to changing your lives and will give you what you need. A dream job, the skill to get that job, and a safe work-life.

Current Opening.

Apply as soon as you can for the posts that are currently open. Send in your resumes and get an opportunity to be skilled by our best faculties. Get placed as soon as possible at the best companies. 

Go for it now!